lunes, 26 de enero de 2009

Comment on someone else's thesis

Hey guys, today's blog post is simply to go to the previous entry (Topic + Opinion = Thesis) and 1) post a thesis and explanatory paragraph if you have not; then 2) comment on the next thesis after your post. If you are the last person (the 16th to post your thesis) comment on the first thesis (Andres').

To comment on someone else's thesis, consider the following: Does it make sense? Do you like it? What could that person add to it? What specific passages could they investigate in their paper?

Also, just for fun, take a look at this website:,book-info/store,books/products_id,7847/title,Pride-and-Prejudice-and-Zombies/

We should read this next. ;)

Good luck!

domingo, 25 de enero de 2009

Thesis = Topic + Opinion

Today your blog post is to write a small paragraph, and a thesis. We are getting ready the Jane Eyre essay you will be writing. The paragraph could be an intro paragraph, or you could just explain what your plan is for your essay. The thesis is your opinion about some topic from the novel. For example:

Topic: Symbols

Opinion: Fire is a symbol for Jane's independence

Thesis: In Jane Eyre, fire becomes a symbol for Jane's independence. From her defiance of Mrs. Reed, her passion for Mr. Rochester, and finally to her encounter with ice king St John, we see how the symbol of fire represents Jane's unique character, and, ultimately lends itself to the theme of the novel.

You can write about any topic you want (ex: symbols, themes, metaphors, characters, religion, feminism, classism, etc) and you can even mix and match two things that are related somehow. Be creative, and say something new!

sábado, 17 de enero de 2009

Who is Jane Eyre?

As we pass through Jane's formative years and her subsequent blossoming at Thornfield Hall, I want you to consider how far Jane has come. What defines her as an individual? Basically, who is she? You can also compare her to Rochester if you want, to look for similarities and differences.

Make sure to:
Write 2 to 3 paragraphs
Include at least 1 quote supporting your ideas

Also, try to read other people's posts as well!

viernes, 9 de enero de 2009

New Chapter in Jane´s Life

Please post the classwork from Friday if you didn´t already turn it in: Exploratory essay (possibly with a thesis at the end) looking at how Jane´s new setting and characters convey a change in mood. (focused on Ch. 11). Remember to read Ch. 12-19 for homework for Monday.