martes, 24 de febrero de 2009

Raz! What's the point of it all?

Now that we've finished the book, your job is to figure out what it's all about.

In 3 paragraphs (maybe something like an intro, body and conclusion) and analyzing at LEAST 2 quotes, your job is to explain what you see as the main message/lesson/point of the book Crime and Punishment.

Consider this semi-exploratory, semi-formal.

lunes, 16 de febrero de 2009

raz´s schism

schism (skzm, sz-)
1. A separation or division into factions.
2. A formal breach of union within a Christian church; the offense of attempting to produce such a breach.
3. Disunion; discord.

In 1-2 paragraphs make an assertion of what Raz´s schism is. Be specific. Use at least 1 quote to back up your analysis.

Be prepared to talk about his schism tomorrow. Read other people´s entries!

domingo, 8 de febrero de 2009

basing our feelings on textual details

This week, as we begin Crime and Punishment, I want to know how does it make you feel and why. Your assignment is:

-Choose 2-3 quotes from Crime and Punishment, at least one each from Ch. 2 and 3
-Type the quotes into your blog entry
-Then explain, based on the quotes, the feeling you get so far from C & P-- this is your gut reaction to the mood that is being set so far, by characterization, description, imagery, etc.

Objective: To both react/analyze the text based on concrete specific passages.

Try not to repeat quotes that have already been selected.