miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2008

Reminder: HW for Thurs Dec. 4th plus your opinion

Remember to respond to the AP prompts that I sent via email! In case you're confused, just write a response to whichever question you want, to be turned in tomorrow, about Pride and Prejudice or Frankenstein.

Also, I want to hear from you guys what you think about the class after the first semester. Post below. You can discuss any aspect of the class, from teaching, to books, to assignments, to the classroom environment, to activities, to teacher's attitude, to students' attitudes, to the color of my hair. I just want your honest opinion about AP English Literature, and I want everyone to see each other's comments. This is not anonymous, but please don't be afraid!

My opinion, to start out with:
I love having class with you guys every day. AP is the highlight of my day. I like hearing your opinions on the books, your insights, and I like it when you guys disagree, but still discuss it.

The things I would like to improve are:
1) More engagement from EVERYONE. That means, you find something to interest you-- even if you hate the book; even if your college application is due tomorrow; even if you "don't think you will pass the AP test". Get interested and participate!
2) I expect a lot of you, and I want you all to expect more of yourselves. That means that each assignment, written reflection, blog entry, reading assignment, paper, test, etc., is for you to prove what you got, and how original YOUR perspective is.

Really, that's it. I think that you guys are all capable of passing the AP exam (don't roll your eyes, Michelle), but we need to create a classroom environment that forces everyone to do their best! So let's keep that in mind for the new year and next quarter.

Now it's your turn.

10 comentarios:

Bayzha dijo...

The Bad:
My criticism in the class is the fact that everyone lately seems dead in class. We have lost our discussion spice. Why, guys? So far, the books have been very insightful and overall the academics whole. I think we need more actual practice for real life AP situations, since we suck at them!

The Good: We actually try to participate. I've never met a class who cared more about English than we do. We honestly try to be good at what we do.

Suggestions: A smaller circle, more ap practice, lets flip flop our seats (like trade places, sit in random locations), etc..

Armos dijo...

I can only say that i don't regret changing from physics to literature. To me, the class is great, though, like basia said, we are dead right now. I hope that with the books that we will read the rest of the class springs back to life because the discussions that we've been having are really insightful. (i never would have guessed what half the class was thinking of the books).

So, overall, i love it. But we still need to work more on discussing without worrying to hurt other's feelings.

Michelle dijo...

I swear i didnt roll my eyes, its simply my nature to be pessimistic though.

AP Lit. is my favorite class of the day, its the only class where i truly want to improve in. Yeah, sure sometimes I hate the workload but I understand that its part of the class. I'm happy that this quarter we have had more participation during the class discussions but I still think we can improve there. We all need to get more motivated. The past couple weeks have been hell for us all with the college crap, but hopefully next quarter we will be refreshed and ready to dive in the awesome APness.
We all could keep up with our assignments more, and we could all practice more.

Cristiana dijo...

As Alberto said, i think it was the best decision of the semester to have moved from AP Physics to AP lit.. ajja i love it that in class everyone's so excited to talk about their opinions and how everyone listens and cares to respond to what others say, even though it is not your friend sitting next to you saying. Ms. Maura you really listen to what we have to say and i love that, i like it how it's not like a "class", but as a discussion time in which we learn how to analyze and discuss the books even from other peers analysis and discussions!.. i have really learned to "fight" with th characters and love some and hate others ahaha something i definitely didnt do before. The BAD: there's nothing i would change to this class and i KNOW I should put a lot more effort in staying focused the entire class and not lose focus, but this apps and stuff were driving me crazy this semester. I PROMISEEE i will do a lot better next semester (as soon as i get this weight off).. i DO REALLY LIKE the class..it's interesting how some can be dragged by some books while others are amazed with others.
Its nice to see how people who before hardly talked are now like good friends because we are in the AP Lit class together, ajaja i though that was a funny observation i could say:D.. i really think its true.
I couldnt have thought of a better AP Lit class, its HARDDDDDD, fun:D, and there's a little of everything everyday which makes it interesting and diff. !!!..:d..
mrs. i really like the fact that you actually take the time to research about ap exams, how to analyze books, sonnets and stuff like that.. i really notice how you care about us getting a good grade and it gives me a sense of duty that if you care for my grade in the AP test HOW CAN I NOT TRY AS HARD AS I CAN TO GET A GOOD ONE!.. :D
sorry it was long.. i got a little excited about it:s.!

Alejandra Barrios dijo...

well, i really really like the clas and maybe if i seem like im not on the clas but out of space is because some times i come form ap calc and that class really takes me out of orbit but i really liked the class. maybe lately in fact we havent had so much deep conversations but it es normal, semester is ending all the exams we have, dance classes, christmass shows and as you ALL have said.. APPLICATIOONS! but everything is hopefully over and i really really hope that we start next semester with the great attitude we started this year. i really dont regret getting into this class at all because, believe it or not, i have really learned to enjoy reading. before i could shoot myself before reading a book but now i see it with a diff point of view and have learned to READ BETWEEN THE LINES..this really puzzled me at the beginning and tried to kill you miss when you said it because i didnt really know what you tried to say when you said that but now i do... i think that if any one in the clas were missing we would be incomplete. we all give something to the class and make it really really interesting.. the books i hav loooved them all but hamlet:s i felt that one really boring... without chino the class wouldnt be the same and ech and everyone of us give that extra thing that we need. i love hoy we all motivate each other and how we look lik nerds reading on other clases:) jajaaj thats really funny... well to end this fast i just wanted to say thank you all for making this an interesting class! thanks miss you have been an amazing teacher that really understand us and i can really feel that you want to help us and see us improve.. i understand your comments and that all of this will be beneficial for the future! ALE BARRIOS

Alejandra Barrios dijo...

sorry for all the spelling mistakes and spanglish... that i haven't learned on this class

edsgotajob dijo...

I believe the AP Literature is awesome and that we are by far, as Baiixzhha said, the people who get more into literature than anyone else. I think one of the reasons the class is kind of dull right now is basically our fault( Simon and I), because we are the one that always give in opinions that make other people get pissed and want to scream at us, giving their opinion about a discussion subject:mission accomplished.
Another thing I've seen in class is how almost no one stands out, like if someone is missing, I would never notice it, well , with the exception of baisia, who I believe has the most clever thourght about insight in the stories. Something I really dig is background info of Literature, I believe people should get more into that at their own will in order to make the class even more exiting, because that was we build up our capacity of making references and to know how to detect details that may not be directly in the poem, but that is something the author really cares or knows about.
Suggestions: make the people who never talk, to be the only ones allowed to make responses.

Simondog dijo...

I really like the class but i think that we should continue to prepare harder for the exam, i really want ro pass it :)

i think that theb discussions have died out because senoritis is kicking in and because becase people sre stressed wit college stuff, we wull have to work harder next semester to be able to fight it off.

Simondog dijo...
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Unknown dijo...

I actually really enjoy the class the way it is. I love how most people really get into whatever topic we're discussing, even when we drift off because I think we've all improved in the way we communicate with each other and that's also an important part of the class. I think we're all interested in the class but senioritis is always bound to affect us, so we're probably going to need an extra dose of willpower this semester :s
I agree with basia on the AP practice, we do suck! so more practicing for the test would be appreciated.