lunes, 26 de enero de 2009

Comment on someone else's thesis

Hey guys, today's blog post is simply to go to the previous entry (Topic + Opinion = Thesis) and 1) post a thesis and explanatory paragraph if you have not; then 2) comment on the next thesis after your post. If you are the last person (the 16th to post your thesis) comment on the first thesis (Andres').

To comment on someone else's thesis, consider the following: Does it make sense? Do you like it? What could that person add to it? What specific passages could they investigate in their paper?

Also, just for fun, take a look at this website:,book-info/store,books/products_id,7847/title,Pride-and-Prejudice-and-Zombies/

We should read this next. ;)

Good luck!

18 comentarios:

Michelle dijo...

Response to Andrea M's topic:
I think that you have a good idea going for you. Talking about the stereotypical happiness that we see in some books such as fairy tales where the beautiful girl gets the prince, isnt the case in this book. Plain Jane is the determined one in this story, therefore she is the most adequately suited to receive the happily ever after. Since you dont have a specific thesis yet, I cant give you any advice regarding that. But as for the essay part, I think it would be beneficial to you if you bring up other characters in the story and how their beauty or simpleness has be related to where they end up. Berta, is a great start. Also yo could mentions georgiana, and how she was a beautiful child and ended up with a not so happy life. Maybe also relate this to places, Gateshead being a beautiful, elegant home that brought Jane only cold feelings, while thornfield was much less grand, plainer, but more home like which made her feel happy.
Hope this helps.

Andrea M dijo...

The time during which Jane Eyre is set demonstrates the specific views of what led to a happy life or better yet a right life. These views idealized "perfect" in the sense of portraying beauty and grandeur. Such examples in Jane Eyre are the comparison between Berta, the beauty who lost her sanity, and Jane, the simpleton that obtained more than she wished for. Settings also contribute to this idea, like Gateshead, which was considered grand but only brought tragedy.

2. Response to Lucia:
I think that overall it is a good idea. It does make sense but you should be a bit more specific, like "Jane Eyre developed into being a righteous and proper woman throughout her life; this, she accomplished by making the right choices", such as which ones? Why did she make the right choices?
You could use the period in her life in which she was mistreated by aunt or in the school to show what shaped her and encouraged her to be the person she became.
I think that this last part "Though she lived a harsh life and had many opportunities of making it easier and bringing love into it; she decided to not follow her heart but her mind. Jane Eyre’s path was not only guided by the love she felt, but by the respect she had for herself and her beliefs; and in the end, such decisions all proved to be worthy as she finally accomplished her “happy ending”." is a little contradictory, b/c in the end she ended up using her heart.

Andres dijo...

Since we are doing the comment on the entry below yours thing, I have Michelle’s thesis. I would like to begin by mentioning that I believe that the topic is sufficiently deep. I like how Michelle is writing about something that is not only for convincing readers but also herself. It will make it much more interesting to read because we know that her details are going to be very compelling. To make it better I think that Michelle could maybe add how the genre of the novel adds something to the message of hope. What I mean by this is that, being part bildungsroman, we see every part of her life from childhood to married life and throughout this time Brontё gives us visuals as to how Jane kept on going. Also being Victorian Gothic literature and demonstrating ideas of liberated females/lower classmen breaking free from any restriction that they have. Their hope is the incentive that keeps them from giving up. This topic/thesis is also one that ties into the topic of the pursuit of happiness and never quitting while on that pursuit. That is pretty much all I have to say, the thesis and the topic are very good and they are deep enough to write a profound essay.

Bayzha dijo...

(I have to do Andres' even though I'm not the 16th to post because there are currently only 11 posts! A lot of people are bound to correct his.. hmmm)

1. Does it make sense?
Yeah, it makes perfect sense! :) One down.. three to go!

2. Do I like it?
Yes, it has the potential of being a very controvertial and well informed piece.

3. What could that person add to it?
Current beliefs, besides the ones of the characters' from the book. How the Victorian days challange the days of the 21st century.

4. What specific passages could they investigate in their paper?
The chapter in which Jane is homeless and seeks for hope in nature in Morton before meeting the Rivers. (early chp. 28) You could interview a few kids from the class too.

P.S. Super well written thesis!

Yeah, Maura. Let's read a book by the same guy that wrote "The Big Book of Porn"! Haha, the guys would love that :).

fabiana dijo...

Response to marcella's thesis:
I really like this subject about destiny, I think it is really interesting and one of the essential topics of the book, how jane with perseverance approach happiness at the end of the book. Everything she went through and everything she suffered in the past made her a strong women for the future. Decisions and the path we take in life is what make up our destiny. And not always everything ends in fairy tales, jane was lucky that she was able to meet all these people who actually changed her life and most importantly Rochester who introduce him to new feelings of attraction and adoration. You could talk about all she went through with her aunt when she was little and also at her new school , everything she went through meeting new friends as helen up the the point where se left to work as a governess and met Rochester. And how at the end she got everything, and the most important thing she looked for family. At the end she had money, family and the love of her live near her, everything seem perfect and somehow in multiple ways her life change to become a perfect future.

Unknown dijo...

Response to chino's thesis:
I liked it! It's kind of similar to mine except yours is centered on good vs evil and mine on feminist vs conservative values. I also liked the idea of including the gothic references in the book and also Charlotte Bronte's own inspirations (like the mistress she met who everyone thought a madwoman, was hidden in the second floor and who died in a fire too; it's in the intro by the way, just so you know).

The thesis seems a bit long but you should be more specific with your examples and make sure you include them in the thesis so you can simply develop them later in the body paragraphs. Maybe if you go straight to the point it would be easier to understand. I think you should use examples that have to do with the settings ( they define the mood for each of jane's stages) and also what Rochester did to Bertha (was that necessary or was it plain wrong?).
Other than that, i think it's a really good idea.
Hope this helps you

Armos dijo...

Response to Simon's:
Great topic, great thesis. maybe a little too small (as in, not detailed) but this was meant to be like a rough draft, so I think it's fine. just one thing about the topic-thesis unity bothers me, and that's: how does new life transforms into finding oneself? If you answer that everything else falls into place quite nicely.
I'd tell you to follow your plan, and also look specifically for the parts where she talks about her resolve after her philosophical "fights" she has. (against her aunt, against...that girl from Lowood, against Rochester, and against Sin Jin).

Armos dijo...

Oh, and I do want to read that book miss. We really should try to get it when it comes out.

edsgotajob dijo...

Response to Bayz)(/&hia´s topic: I believe you are very right when talking about karma because as you can see, our thesises share the part of a balance between good and evil, which would represent morality as a theme of the book.

Your opinion can be somewhat unclear, because some of the character got what she/he was looking for rather than what they deserved, in a way, such as Jane's fight with unfortunate events, always hoping she'd reach her "atmosphere", so you might want to consider that when writing your essay, so you don't go out of bounds.

Thesis: The inspirational characters of Jane Eyre conclude their stories and lives well justified. Mary/Diane's sister affection granted them love and fortune while Rochester's previous sinful temptations and St. John's cold desposition imposed difficulties and illness. This all demonstrating that spirtuality and concord with nature is absolutely essential in hopes for better futures and destinies.

Your thesis is straightforward and can be divided into topic sentences that will make your job easier. you may want to use one exaple for each kind of outcome.

Unknown dijo...

I do like the topic very much since its very original and you bring forward a very important aspect from the book. But, the thesis is a little confusing I must say since it is not clear how.. jane eyre represents a new way to live life as women? HOW WAS SHE DIFFERENT IN HER WAY OF THINKING? Didn’t many other agreed with her way of being and acted similarly if not the same. That is the confusing part.. but besides that, yes… she was greatly influenced by many women that transformed her into the woman that she became. Each of them instilling values on her that led her to being so righteous.. Etc, The examples you listed as into women that changes her are great.. I agree fully! Though I would suggest if you list the ways in which Jane changed them.. and the rest of society as well!

Unknown dijo...

that was to alejandra g....

Simon dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Simon dijo...

I like the topic and i think it is going to be easy for you to wrtie the essay because the book its filled with social standar's duality and oppostion. i have a question though. In your thesis what do you mean by "hard examples"?

Another thing, you talk about jane band rochester breaking social standar which is true, but you must not forgett that rochester also wanted to bring jane up to his standar (by giving her jewlery, fancier garndments, etc) and not letting her be as she was, a simple jane.

Finally a tip to broaden your topic (not shure if topic is the right word). You could compare the Jane Eyre book to other books we have "read in the past" *cough* pride and prejudice *cough* and see how similarly or difirently the diferent books take on the problem of social standars.

Simon dijo...

It was to Alberts thesis

lina dijo...

i really like fabianas topic because is one the most important parts of the book.. rochester influences a lot in the personality of jane. you could also talk not only of hoe it changes janes life but about all the feelings she got to experience with him.. the combination of all the feelings she had and how besides her feelings she did the right thing and how those strong feelings drag her back to live and experience love

Alejandra Barrios dijo...

The different settings of the novel play a crucial role on the mood conveyed by the author and on the different stages of Jane Eyere's life. Through different environments and spaces the author is able to take the readers to different worlds and attitudes.

I am planning to write an essay on which I can show all the different settings and how they represent a stage on jane eyeres life and on how the author changes things like ilumination and decoration to hint the readers what is going on in the story. i hope you like it:)

Cristiana dijo...

1. Jane Eyre's dilemma over following her mind rather than her heart made a controversy in several stages of her life, making her one of the most contradicting, but strong character in the novel.

In my essay i would like to explain to the reader how has Jane decided to choose between following her heart rather than her mind and how these different situations have made of her a very contradicting character, but at the same time show how much she stands up for what she believes is right and for what she has long been waiting for.

Response to Ale B's thesis:
1. you are right about the setting conveying mood since Jane's character or personality changes with her stages.

2. I do like it, I THINk you have a point, but try to elaborate on how has she changed and how it is represented in the different stages.

3. It would be nice to know what she started as and how it was represented and how it ended and how was it represented in the environment, stages, setting.

4. Investigate in chapter 10 when she moves out of lowood and how her character changed, something like what we did in class, but try to do it on each of her transitory chapters.

other than that, i think you do have a good point but make sure you do explain it well on the essay!

Alejandra Barrios dijo...

response to cristiana's topic:
i think you have a really good topic since we can clearly see that she is a vry MORAL person as we might call it.
try to give specific examples on how she has preferred to do what is morally right, and it would be good if you could get one on which she is unhappy for making this decision... hint...rochester!
one of the things you are going to have to battle with is that you dont get too narrow on your topic, and also try to give at least three examples...
then.. how is she a contradicting character?? when does she contradict herself... try to be more illustrative on that topic.
and finally.. what hs she been waiting for so long?

other than that i really like it!