domingo, 25 de enero de 2009

Thesis = Topic + Opinion

Today your blog post is to write a small paragraph, and a thesis. We are getting ready the Jane Eyre essay you will be writing. The paragraph could be an intro paragraph, or you could just explain what your plan is for your essay. The thesis is your opinion about some topic from the novel. For example:

Topic: Symbols

Opinion: Fire is a symbol for Jane's independence

Thesis: In Jane Eyre, fire becomes a symbol for Jane's independence. From her defiance of Mrs. Reed, her passion for Mr. Rochester, and finally to her encounter with ice king St John, we see how the symbol of fire represents Jane's unique character, and, ultimately lends itself to the theme of the novel.

You can write about any topic you want (ex: symbols, themes, metaphors, characters, religion, feminism, classism, etc) and you can even mix and match two things that are related somehow. Be creative, and say something new!

13 comentarios:

Andres dijo...

Topic: The Pursuit of Happiness

Opinion: Jane's perspective on the best way to be happy is earthly unlike many other characters who seek happiness in the afterlife.

Thesis: Jane Eyre is a novel that presents its readers with a variety of different outlooks on very well-known topics such as happiness, where it becomes a driving force for some to put aside their desires but for others it becomes more like motivation to be completely free and live the moment.

For my essay I plan to use scenes such as Jane's discussions with Helen and St. John as well as her many monologues where she tells herself that she will either do this or do that in order to be happy with herself. Her initial meeting with Mr. Brocklehurst is also something I plan to use as it shows us how much Jane values life after death and, as a result of that, does not see the world the same way St. John does. She stays true to her opinion even until the very end where she makes her way down to Ferndean. I also plan on using an allusion to the Bible (just like Charlotte Bronte) to show how she was rewarded in life without having to inhibit her passion, her fire and her beliefs. (Job)
Something that I need to include is the reasons behind certain character's beliefs. For example, St. John looks forward to happiness in the afterlife maybe because, as he says in the novel, in the end he has nothing but a old house. He has (in his opinion) nothing on Earth, nothing that ties him to earthly pleasures therefore, he seeks compensation for his misery and discontentment in the afterlife. A controversial point is that Jane was the same way, what drove her was her attitude and her incentive to reject he afterlife, she was never too fond of other people judging her, even if it is God.

Michelle dijo...

Topic: Hope

Thesis: Jane Eyre represents hope for any person who struggles in life, for her determination throughout the whole novel is incentive to keep fighting for your happy ending.

I would like to create an essay based around the theme of hope. Pin pointing some of Jane's worst experiences throughout her life and showing the reader how she managed to keep hold of her beliefs and still hope for a better life. Beginning at Gateshead with the unloving Mrs. Reed and the red room and ending with her brief appearance as a beggar. Showing all the bits and pieces of her misery and then pointing out the perfect ending where she finds herself with a real family, money and a loving husband. After long consideration, I figured that I want/need to believe that Jane is completely happy at the end of the book. No more restlessness no more worries, and that some things simply work out. Therefore I introduce the idea of Jane Eyre being a novel that brings hope to the heart of its readers.
(Is this topic not in depth enough?)

Andrea M dijo...

Topic: beauty is not always better.

This idea is based on appearances and social class. In Jane Eyre, Jane, is always described as simple, not pretty,etc., nevertheless she ends up with a happily ever after. She gets to marry her "prince", although she didnt have the class or the money in the beginning. I would also like to point out Bertha's situation. Although, we dont get to know much about her she is described as beautiful, rich and with class. Bertha does get married but only for convenience, ends up a lunatic living unhappily, and finally commits suicide in a way. So the point would be to compare certain circumstances as these characters have and conclude that beauty is not everything and doesntg not garanty a happily ever after as well as in the case of a good social position.

Unknown dijo...

Topic: the heart vs the mind

Every decision taken by someone influences such in numerous ways and in the long run, it’s the recompilation of all our choices that has led us to where we are and to becoming who we are today. Jane Eyre developed into being a righteous and proper woman throughout her life; this, she accomplished by making the right choices. Not necessarily the easiest, but definitely the right ones; those that complied with her religion, morals, principles and integrity. Though she lived a harsh life and had many opportunities of making it easier and bringing love into it; she decided to not follow her heart but her mind. Jane Eyre’s path was not only guided by the love she felt, but by the respect she had for herself and her beliefs; and in the end, such decisions all proved to be worthy as she finally accomplished her “happy ending”.

Unknown dijo...

Topic: Feminist and conservative ideals

Opinion: Jane's personality relfects both feminist and conservative aspects.

Thesis: Jane posseses the ability to balance her desire of becoming a free individual without disregarding her need of doing the right thing all the time. The life she had at Gateshead and Lowood, the disappointment she endured with Mr. Rochester's previous marriage, and the meeting of a pious missionary named St. John constributed to Jane's overall personality.

My essay would be focused on analyzing Jane's somewhat dual perosnality. I would like to explore the most important aspects of her character which are her conservative values and her eagerness for independence. The essay would include the experiences that represented a major turning point in her life. Her life at Lowood and Gateshead, and her experience with St. John left Jane he need of becoming completely independent. Rochester's previous marriage and her disappointment in the entire situation allowed Jane to show her conservative ideals. Everyone of these incidents played a crucial role in the formation of Jane's one of a kind personality.

edsgotajob dijo...

Topic: The Gothic Double.

Opinion: Bronte make a Gothic double out of its protagonist in order to express the novel's theme of morality.

Thesis: Throughout the novel of Jane Eyre, the author constantly portrays a sense of Gothic fiction within the plot, where setting,allegories or references, and physical or physiological events convey the protagonist's emotions and point of view. Jane Eyre, a woman exposed to everything in life as a "baptist by fire"( learning the hard way or with lack of experience), is given the quality of the gothic double in order to make her character define between her needs and desires, good and evil. This contrast made by the essential duality within Jane Eyre is what lead to most of her decisions, which revolve around rightousness and integrity.

In literature, the term Gothic double refers to an essential duality within a single character on the further presumption that this duality centers on the polarity of good and evil. - wikipedia.

I plan to do this essay by reading a lot of background information about bronte's life, background, sources and inpirations. I have spent all my day doing reseach and haven't figured out what quotes i may use besides the supernatural describing a situation as good or evil, such as bertha's encounter, and Jane's analysis of things that surround her, such as when she hesistates about marrying St. John.

marcella dijo...

Topic: Destiny

Thesis: Jane Eyre is written to reveal that there is a hidden purpose in all individual´s life called destiny. throughout the novel Jane struggles seeking for the right path of happiness, and with goodness and perseverance the force of destiny drives her into a happy endless road.

My purpose in this essay is to reveal the true meaning of destiny in the novel. To be clear destiny for me isn't a fixed sequence of events that is unchangeable. For me people choose their own destiny by choosing different paths throughout their life. The two meanings mentioned are different for one another in the first one destiny is made for you and in the second one you chose and make it by choosing the right path like Jane did through the path of obedience, patience, perseverance, goodness and good will. Destiny depends on what kind person you create out of yourself; if you are good through your life ( even in the moments of suffering and injustice) the force of destiny will have something good for you. Good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people, this is just part of destiny.

Armos dijo...

Topic: Social Classes

Opinion: Jane is constantly throughout the novel fighting against the higher class, always striving for equality in a time that has none to offer.

Thesis: Jane Eyre is a very controversial novel (for its time) because it portrays a blending of the classes that was unheard of in those times. By providing hard examples and a character that most will sympathize with, Charlotte Brontë effectively sways the minds of the readers.

I plan to use the scenes of her in her first house with her aunt, where she was treated as something below a dog, and explain how she new a truth about human nature since she was a child (equality). I will then go and use Lowood as an example to show how she was humbled and she got to accept her own "caste" while staying there, because there was enough intellectual company. Then I'll go ahead and talk about Rochester and how they try to break the differences in statuses to find companionship and love.
I will include the other characters' own disposition towards Jane's ideas, if they agree/disagree and how strongly they even care.

Andres dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Simon dijo...

topic: New life

Thesis: Jane eyre is a book of self dicovery. Charlotte uses the different new chapters in jane eyres life to show how jane learns something new about herself each time.

I am gonna use the four main chapters on jane's life to show how she grows and ends up being who she is. The idea is to show how exoeriences shaoe who we are and help us dicover the true core of our nature. This usually happens on moments of extreme sadness or in moments of extreme happiness.

Bayzha dijo...

Topic: Punishment and Rewards

Opinion: Each character got what he/she deserved in relation to their actions.

Thesis: The inspirational characters of Jane Eyre conclude their stories and lives well justified. Mary/Diane's sister affection granted them love and fortune while Rochester's previous sinful temptations and St. John's cold desposition imposed difficulties and illness. This all demonstrating that spirtuality and concord with nature is absolutely essential in hopes for better futures and destinies.

The essay I'll write will be based on at least these three main characters. I might switch it around to Aunt Reed if I find Mary/Diane too difficult. I'll write of why their ends are deserved and how Jane's set of religion of practicality and karma are reflected in the events.

fabiana dijo...

Topic: Somehow someone can change your life completely, Rochester changed Jane’s live in many aspects.

For my essay I am going to talk when Jane met Rochester and how he became one of the most important things in her life. Falling in love with him was a whole new chapter of her life in a way that he was introduce to new feelings of attraction, he was the first guy she ever loved and the one she certainly couldn’t let go. And even that in the moment she realized about his wife and got mad and left, she couldn’t stop thinking about him and at the end she ended up going back to look for him. She realized that without him there was something missing in her life.

alegonzalez dijo...

Topic: Influence woman made in Janes life
Thesis: Jane Eyre represents a new way to live life as a women in those days. She had an unique way of thinking that made her different to the rest of woman but still the rest of woman influenced her by transforming her into an example to the rest of society.

In this essay i want to write about how all the women jane met throughout her life made her the person she became, for example, helen was the one that taught her that being rencorous was not going to show her anything or be good for her, and with this, jane could forgive the Reeds and Rochester, her love. then show how each woman she met since Bessie all the way to Diane made her be the strong woman she became, how each one helped her in a way.